On Saturday, March 26 the annual celebration of Atlanta's favorite cured meat- BACON- returned to Dad's Garage. BaconFest, which benefits the famous improv theatre, not only had plenty of bacon, but several creative activities. From wheelchair races to Dr. Boobies guessing inquiring patients bra sizes, there was plenty of laugher while clouds and rain covered the festival.
Mike LaSage, noted bacon enthusiast and P'cheen's executive chef, performed about three songs with his band (Mike LaSage and The Stumbling Troubadours) before the rain prematurely ended their set. Luckily, there was an entire cooked hog for eating provided by P'cheen to help lift fans spirits. Whynatte was also helping to lift the mood by providing free cans of the popular drink. Perhaps the biggest bacon fan in attendance was Niki Wing, who for the second year in a row was crowned BaconFest Queen. Wing, wearing a bacon patterned dress at the event, campaigned hard for win by issuing over a 1,000 bacon-themed posts on Twitter, Facebook, and FourSquare.
Check out photos from BaconFest 2011, here.