The District Attorneys have just released a special treat for fans and it's the perfect gateway for new listeners too. Released on December 4, the four-song EP, Jr., is available for free download on iTunes and Spotify.
2012 has been a productively busy year for the Atlanta/ Athens band, who have continued to gain more popularity and acclaim, especially on the heels of the April release of the full-length, Slowburner. In many ways, Jr. is a fitting segue from Slowburner into the next- yet to be defined- step for the band. These songs are different. Lyrically Jr. is one of The DAs strongest collections. All four songs highlight different strengths and experimentations that could even be pushed further. Jr. has a noticeable maturity to it that comes across in the verses and music.
"King Is Boss"'s cutting lyrics "Burning down bridges and Building walls" coupled with a bouncy beat show a confidence that fits the band well. "Stupa" has a breezy nostalgic quality that keeps the listener engaged and finishes with a well placed punch: "Everything be damned." The track that will have you hitting repeat is "Target Practice." The song capitalizes on elements that the band has dabbled in before, but slickly deliver here. Between the rhythmic drums, ghosting harmonies, and well placed crescendos the song creates an exciting tension for the listener in its controlled power. The song proves, much like the rest of Jr., that sometimes a good trial in experimention produces a pleasing verdict.
Come see The District Attorneys perform these new hits as well as their other favorites THIS Saturday at Smith's Olde Bar for X-Mix 2012. Tickets are $10 (+2 cans) and all proceeds benefit Songs for Kids Foundation. Doors open at 9PM, but the fun starts at 9:30PM with FREE Whynatte shots.
Kim Burdges